Friday, December 10, 2010

The Languages of Australia

English is the common language used in Australia, and it is also the official language of the country. Australian used a wide range of vocabulary, accent, phonetic system and slang. In addition, Australia has about 250 Aboriginal languages and dialects spoken in 1788. Currently, two thirds of these languages have survived. However, only 20 of the languages, which is 8%, is still strong enough to preserve and last into the next century. Besides these languages, there are also languages spoken in Australia from immigrants from Europe, the Middle East Asia.

The language loss may be due to language shift, and language attrition which refers to the shift of frequency of the usage of a language. It is about using another language more often and the other language. With the language which is less spoken and written will fade off in time because more people would ‘follow the trend’ and use the widely spoken and cause the language to be endangered and soon extinct. ‘Disneyfication’ plays a contributing factor because as country modernised with the introduction of attractions and hybrid consumption, official language is set in country. People would widely use on the official language stated because it is needed to keep up with the change and adapt to the system of country as places of attractions, social events are present in English, thus this leads to the seldom use the other languages.

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